(sold out) Retreat to Lisbon, Portugal
to Mar 26

(sold out) Retreat to Lisbon, Portugal

  • Áurea Museum & Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Krista Cahill and me in my (now) hometown of Lisbon, Portugal! We will hold the retreat at the amazing Aurea Museum & Hotel right in the heart of Lisbon within walking distance of all the neighborhoods you’ll want visit (you might want to take an inexpensive uber to one or two others, Lisboa is BIG :) We will have two classes per day, Krista and I will switch off days and we will hold one early morning intense class before breakfast (intense vinyasa with me or ashtanga taught in a very methodical and detailed way with Krista).. Late morning we’ll have more of a questions and answer / stretch and release class. This will be a GREAT opportunity to really STUDY and learn. I’ve found that doing a retreat in such a dynamic city, it’s much more enjoyable to not have to worry about rushing back to take a class so our training / practice will be ended by noon each day :) I’ll have loads of recommendations and things to do and places to eat for you (but there may be some days you simply want to enjoy the hotel, walk across the street to sit by the water and enjoy a coffee :) Breakfast is included every day as well as a Welcome Dinner at the hotel the first night (so you can relax from traveling) . We are also including a dinner one night at my friend’s restaurant in the Alfama (half Italian / half traditional Portuguese / all delicious :) As we get closer, we’ll also arrange a trip (totally optional) to my favorite castle in Sintra, Quinta da Regaleira. Sintra is 30 minutes away from Lisbon and, if you decide to go on this trip, you can make it your own either spending the day there or heading back whenever you choose. Total cost is $1966 for a shared room (1800€) or $2730 (2500€) for a private room. $300 to hold a spot, Venmo @Renee-LeBlanc-5 or Zelle teilujeener@gmail.com (please understand that deposits are non-refundable.)

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9:00 AM09:00


This workshop is free for members of this site or, $50 for non-members. Teaching yoga is not easy and, I would argue, it’s harder for newer teachers today because there is SO much information (some would say too much) that you AND your students are hearing and seeing. But thousands of hours of trainings and online content often just lead to more conflicting information in your head and less confidence in your voice. Your students need to know that YOU know what you’re talking about and that they have good reason to listen to you rather than the dude on tiktok (with all due respect to the dudes on tiktok ;) not just because what you say sounds good but because it WORKS. Let’s figure out what’s right, what’s wrong, what works, what doesn’t and (most importantly) WHY . You want your students to benefit from YOUR TEACHING, not the heat, not the vibe, the TEACHING. Please email me before the workshop (renee@reneeleblancyoga.com) with anything you’d like to have covered!

Non-members will receive a link to the workshop via email. Members will just click on the regular class link.

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TRANSITIONS "the real focus & work lives in between the postures"
9:00 AM09:00

TRANSITIONS "the real focus & work lives in between the postures"


This workshop is free for members or $50 for non - members (purchase will become available on April 6th) Finding focus while you're still is one thing. Keeping focus and concentration while you move? That's a whole other ballgame. Warrior one is great but the step forward to warrior one? That can unlock everything. Backbends and forward bends change completely when you enter them and leave them a certain way. You want to find balance and strength? They live in the transitions in and out of the postures. Binds, standing postures, arm balances, inversions from triangles to scorpions and everything in between, let's dig deep and figure out how to surf gravity, there's nothing like it in the world.  Members will join by clicking on regular class link / non-members will receive a link via email :)

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Boston 3 Days at Soma Yoga Center
to Nov 16

Boston 3 Days at Soma Yoga Center

Link to early bird pricing will be up around April. Details for workshops to be determined but Friday night will be an intense vinyasa regular “Renée class” and Saturday and Sunday (1p-3p) will be workshops working on specific things - happy to take requests until end of January :)

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Boston, MA: coming to Soma Yoga:  Master Class & Workshops
to Nov 17

Boston, MA: coming to Soma Yoga: Master Class & Workshops

Friday, November 15th 5:45p - 7:15p - "Class with Renée LeBlanc": An intense flow that will include arm balancing, inversions and back-bending with heavy focus on alignment that will make it clear why we do things the way we do. Get ready for good core work from your practice as well as from giggling.  Sign up here master class

Saturday, November 16th 1p - 3p - Workshop "Inversions and Advanced Standing Postures" We'll break down standing upside down and rightside up using many different techniques that will help us understand the postures we're doing AND the path to the postures we want to do someday. We'll finish with transitions in and out of upside-down and right side up postures. Sign up here workshop 1

Sunday, November 17th 1p - 3p - Workshop "Backbending Postures & Transitions" We'll start with some simple anatomy followed by connecting the alignment of all the backbends so, even when they are difficult, they make perfect sense and you know what you're doing. We'll address the transitions from right side up and upside-down and, even if we're not "there" yet, we'll have a path to follow.  Sign up here workshop 2

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(SOLD OUT) Retreat to Algarve
to Oct 16

(SOLD OUT) Retreat to Algarve

  • Yoga with Renée at the Tivoli Carvoeiro (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Here are details for my retreat to the Algarve (it is currently sold out but please email to be on the waitlist :) The Algarve has an international airport (Faro) that is about 1/2 hour away from our resort so you (hopefully) will be able to find a happy direct flight. Note that for about €46 you can take a train from Faro to Lisbon (about 3 hours) if you would like to spend time in Lisbon before or after your retreat (I can help you plan things to do and see :) and you could then fly in or out directly from Lisbon.

We will be staying at the Tivoli Carvoeiro (link at the bottom of this email) from October 10 -16. We will have two intense classes per day. We will practice inside in case the weather is not perfect but October is BEAUTIFUL in Portugal. Breakfast every day is included. We will also have a luxurious welcome dinner (late afternoon) on your first night that is included. There is a gorgeous onsite restaurant and bar that is indoor / outdoor as well as a beautiful full-service spa that my two new friends from Paris tell me is second to none :) The town with its many restaurants, cafes, etc is a 10 minute walk from our resort (although it does not have the hills like where I live, it is still cobble stones so I would bring good walking shoes for shopping, etc.

The price is $2,600 for a private room.

If you would like to do a shared room, you'll pay $3,600 to me and split it up between the two of you as you see fit :) 

$300 deposit via Venmo to hold spot (this is refundable until DEC 8TH and after that it is not refundable because my deposit to the hotel will also be non refundable :) @Renee-LeBlanc-5

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(sold out) Evia Island Greece
to Apr 24

(sold out) Evia Island Greece

  • Evia Silence Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Caitlyn Visconte & me at the beautiful Evia Silence Retreat Center in Greece. (Despite the name, it is not a silent retreat :) Each morning there will be an early “release & restore” meditative practice followed by an incredible vegetarian breakfast. Later, from about 10a - 12p, we’ll have our intense class followed by a light vegetarian lunch (fresh fruits, salads, breads). You’ll then have the rest of the day to explore the island, visit the thermal spas, book a massage or body treatment or just relax by the pool. Incredible vegetarian dinner served each night at the center around 7p. Please email yogaclubboston@gmail.com for more information. Members of Yoga Club Boston receive a discount on all retreats. Luca will be joining this retreat :)

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"Teacher" Training WITHOUT the Teaching
to Sep 22

"Teacher" Training WITHOUT the Teaching

  • Renée LeBlanc Yoga, on Zoom, from Lisboa :) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


There’s a lot to learn about yoga but unless you’re dying to be a yoga teacher, “teacher trainings” are an awful lot of money and time to spend. I’ve taught about 35 200-hour teacher trainings (my own for my own studio, for Back Bay Yoga and for Yoga Works) and a couple of years ago, I finally developed my “Deeper Study” training. I’ve taught it twice so far and it’s exactly what I hoped it would be - dedicated students and teachers learning yoga anatomy, yoga history, sanskrit, yoga philosophy and proper practice technique and alignment. For 2024, I’ve condensed the program more so that it is 4 weekends (schedule below). It’ll all be held on zoom, recorded if you miss a session. It’s $200 for each weekend or, if you’d like to purchase the whole program, $700 for all 4 weekends. The weekends are divided up into body parts so, it’s recommended to do the whole program :) but I’m hoping to make this something that is always going on :) Payment via Venmo to @Renee-LeBlanc-5. The only additional costs are: 1) two books that, of all the dozens of books that I’ve seen required over the years, are the most useful, about $20 each and, you’ll use them both well beyond this training and 2) OPTIONAL and only if you’re not a member of Yoga Club Boston, you’d pay $10 drop-in rate for classes that I would love to see you in :) Feel free to email any questions to renee@reneeleblancyoga.com and, after payment is received, I’ll forward the link for sessions, some reading materials to prep for the January session and, the books that you need.

January 26, 27, 28 2024: Fri 6p-8p “philosophy, history jam” (lecture & questions only, you can wear pj’s ;), Sat 12p-3p, Sun 9:30a-12:30p Sat & Sun are anatomy, alignment, practice technique

March 29, 30, 31 (same schedule)

July 12, 13, 14 (same schedule)

September 20, 21, 22 (same schedule)

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Theologos Villa, Greece (one spot available)
to Jul 27

Theologos Villa, Greece (one spot available)

  • Theologos Silence Yoga Villa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for the most incredible reset & recharge. We’re staying at the Theologos Silence Yoga Retreat Villa where we will practice overlooking the Aegean Sea. Each day will start with an early morning “release & restore” practice. Then you’ll enjoy an incredible vegetarian breakfast, later we’ll have our intense practice from about 10a - 12p. There will be light lunch of fresh fruit, salads and breads then, you’ll have the day to explore the island, sit by the pool and sleep, book an in-house massage or body treatment or visit the thermal spas. Vegetarian dinner served each night around 7 or 8pm. Please email renee@reneeleblancyoga.com for details. Members of Yoga Club Boston receive a discount on all retreats :) Luca will be joining this retreat :)

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Sunday Drills followed by 30 mins Intense / 30 mins Release & Restore
8:00 AM08:00

Sunday Drills followed by 30 mins Intense / 30 mins Release & Restore

Every other Sunday at 8:30am (est) I teach a “30 mins Intense / 30 mins Release” class which allows us to do some restorative postures without feeling as though we “didn’t do a whole practice”. Starting May 14, I’m teaching a new class right before it of drills for those students who are looking to strengthen, grow or start their inversion practice. You’ll need a little wall space for these classes and, two yoga blocks if you have them :) all on www.yogaclubboston.com

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Lisbon, Portugal (sold out)
to Mar 29

Lisbon, Portugal (sold out)

  • Aurea Museum Hotel & Spa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Two classes each day held at the Aurea Museum Hotel & Spa. We’ll have 2 practices each day but will be done by noon so that you can enjoy and explore this beautiful city (and all of it’s steep hills) without having to rush back to practice ;)

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Inversion Workshop at The Portland Yoga Project Portland, ME (make a mini retreat out of it!)
1:00 PM13:00

Inversion Workshop at The Portland Yoga Project Portland, ME (make a mini retreat out of it!)

Before Instagram…there was yoga. And there were poses that took skill, intense focus and, a good sense of humor like handstand, forearm balance and, headstand. We’re going to learn these poses. Most bodies need to LEARN how to go upside-down, it doesn’t just happen. In this workshop, we’ll learn as many methods as we can to find your path to inversion. Once you get there, then we can work on the posture and all the variations and different ways in and out of them. Inversions make you feel good inside and are very empowering but you need good guidance to learn how to add them to your daily practice safely. This workshop will have a short warm up, some additional core work and is also great for teachers looking to safely add inversions to their classes.

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Deeper Study - Mentoring for Teachers
12:30 PM12:30

Deeper Study - Mentoring for Teachers

Many people have taken a 200-hour teacher training but man, we all know that is no where near enough. This practice runs very deep and we keep learning as we teach. If it weren't for my teachers, I'd be completely lost and honestly, I still have many days when I feel like I have no business standing in the front of a yoga room. Please join me for a 4-hour session that will start with a quick talk, followed by a class that will morph into an intense "posture lab" where we'll break down several concepts, discuss simple anatomy and practice weaving what we're learning into the classes we teach over the next few weeks. Good cueing will be emphasized. We'll discuss how these concepts will help you to sequence your classes. We'll end with some "business of yoga / state of yoga" talking and make sure all your questions are answered.

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Deeper Study - Teacher Mentoring Workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Deeper Study - Teacher Mentoring Workshop

Many people have taken a 200-hour teacher training but man, we all know that is no where near enough. This practice runs very deep and we keep learning as we teach. If it weren't for my teachers, I'd be completely lost and honestly, I still have many days when I feel like I have no business standing in the front of a yoga room. Please join me for a 4-hour session that will start with a quick talk, followed by a class that will morph into an intense "posture lab" where we'll break down several concepts, discuss simple anatomy and practice weaving what we're learning into the classes we teach over the next few weeks. Good cueing will be emphasized. We'll discuss how these concepts will help you to sequence your classes. We'll end with some "business of yoga / state of yoga" talking and make sure all your questions are answered.

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Belize 2017 - sold out
to Apr 8

Belize 2017 - sold out

Join our yoga tribe in Belize at the beautiful Robert's Grove resort! (www.robertsgrove.com) Two classes each day (the second class is more of a workshop format), three delicious meals a day, transfer from local airport to and from resort, all the toys you want for the ocean (kayaks, sail boats, paddle boats and more), bicycles to explore the land with, three pools, a gym (you'll be too tired to use the gym but it's there :) There is also a great spa for massages, facials, etc as well as tours, including a trip to Blue Hole available for extra purchase. (Airfare not included, you'll need to fly into Belize and then take an additional puddle jumper to get you closer to the resort, approx $100-$150). A shared room costs $1560 per person and a private room is $2060. $300 deposit required to hold spot (ONLY refundable if your spot is filled by another person by February 1st otherwise deposit is not refundable.) Please email me at renee@reneeleblancyoga.com to reserve your spot!

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200 Hour Winter Teacher Training (Weekends Only) Yogaworks Back Bay
to May 7

200 Hour Winter Teacher Training (Weekends Only) Yogaworks Back Bay

200 hour teacher training is where it all begins. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of the practice for your own fulfillment or you're looking to make a career change, this is the first step :) For all info and to sign up, please go to yogaworks.com


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Fundamentals of Arm Balance & Inversions at Asana Charlestown
10:30 AM10:30

Fundamentals of Arm Balance & Inversions at Asana Charlestown

Join me to LEARN at the beautiful studio Asana Charlestown! We're going to break down everything from crow to handstand so that even when we can't get into a pose yet, we physically & mentally understand the path to get there. This class is great for both teachers and students - bring every question you can think of and be ready to have fun. Arm balances & inversions are empowering, scary, fun and difficult (I was going to say "challenging" but, let's call it what it is, they're hard! We can deal with that). Physically and mentally they build strength, balance and unbelievable focus like nothing else. So...come fly with me ;)

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Teacher Training Without the Teaching - Cabo Oct., 2016
to Oct 29

Teacher Training Without the Teaching - Cabo Oct., 2016

Join Renee Leblanc in Cabo San Lucas Mexico for a yoga retreat geared towards students interested in the knowledge gained in a teacher training without the focus of learning to teach. The course of study includes a comprehensive exploration of the physical body and its relation to the asanas. Poses will be broken down with each student so we understand the reason for, and proper alignment of, each asana from the ground up in addition to pranayama breathing techniques, history of yoga and more. The main goal of this training is to increase your personal understanding of the practice so that you can have a better understanding of where you want to take your personal practice and how to get there. Each day will consist of a 2 hour morning practice with a break for lunch and relaxation followed by 4 hours of asana lab and lecture. There will be an additional 5 hours reserved for those who have already completed a 200 hour training, focusing on meaningful and safe assiting and thoughtful, concise cueing. Visit www.pranadelmar.com to see the beautiful property we'll be practicing in :)

Price includes
- Accomodations for 7 nights
- 3 meals/ day
- Airport transfer from SJD to Prana Del Mar arriving on the 22nd and departing on the 29th
- Sales and hotel taxes

$1,835 per person based on double occupancy
$2,255 per person based on single occupancy

To reserve your spot please contact renee@reneeleblancyoga.com
$200 deposit required to reserve space

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