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Bending Over Backwards

There are so many backbends in this practice. In fact we can even put a backbend into a forward fold as long as it’s in the right place. They can be energizing, strength & flexibility building and, make you feel like your body is a miracle or…they can tear up your shoulders, frustrate you and, make your lower back feel like drugs are really the way to go. In this workshop, we’ll make sure we understand some very basic anatomy of the back, we’ll open up everything we need to so that you can find your edge with no pain and, we’ll learn to do all the strengthening we need so that your back can remain healthy while you continue to move your edge, go deeper and explore all the backbends in this practice! Nothing makes you feel stronger and healthier than a healthy back and a healthy back…can bend J We’ll cover dancer’s pose, bow pose, hanumanasana (splits facing forward), king pigeon, camel, wheel and many of it’s variations (including standing up and dropping back safely) and many others. As always, bring all of your questions!!